Make yourself a priority once in a while. It's not selfish. It's necessary.

Oprah Winfrey

In Buddhist practice retreats are seen and valued as very important for the individual. It is a time to leave the daily grind and connect within. Our bodies hold us up through some really stressful times and they just keep on going. If we want to keep living the fast-paced lifestyle we’ve all become accustomed to- taking complete restful breaks are essential. To give the mind and body a rest. To learn to let the incessant thinking go and just be.

Our retreats support and guide you to learn to do this. We provide the most tranquil, relaxing and inspiring environments for you to really unwind and treat yourself for all the hard work that you do. A week or weekend retreat is perfect to rebalance, reconnect and re-energise of you are in need of escape! Great for if you are in a profession that demands a lot from you. And that includes being a parent!

​To allow you to return back home like a new person. Happier, healthier and full of renewed motivation and energy!

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