Reflecting, Releasing, and Realigning: Ending the Year with Intention

reflect release realign end-of-year-ritual

Last month I shared about where I’ve been at recently with my health journey. It’s been a very long road, and I’ve been really tested with ongoing extreme pain and endometriosis and adenomyosis symptoms that if I’m really honest, I have struggled with.

It’s really challenged me to reconnect with my old practices and various holistic therapies and healing modalities which I am sharing about as I go along, as I know it can feel overwhelming with so many conflicting opinions and therapies being thrown at us.

What I wanted to share a bit more about is something that I touched on in my last blog, about my realisation that running my own business has pulled me into some unhealthy habits with overworking and pushing myself in order to be productive and ‘do all the things’. And so I have made the decision to change the way that I work. And align the way that I work with my cycle, honouring the ebbs and flows and actually working more to my feminine potential. As we’re moving into our last few weeks of 2024, I am starting to get reflective over my year and setting my intentions for how I want to go into next year. Bringing together all the learning from this year, all the things I want to improve and do better at. 

And so I thought I’d love to share with you this annual practice that I have.

  • At the end of each year, I have a ritual to release anything from the year that I don’t want to bring through to the next.
  • Anything that feels like it is holding me back or no longer serving me.
  • I also do any releasing actions -eg  decluttering my house or emails etc.
  • I review over the past year – reflecting over how the year has been, listing any pivotal moments. Thinking about the challenges I’ve faced, lessons learnt, and things I could improve on.

It’s healthy and necessary to reflect over what we have done, accomplished and achieved. To reminisce over great experiences, turning points and memories..

It is also part of our growth and expansion as a person to look over what we’ve done.. and reflect on any areas that we may not be happy with, that we feel stuck with, which maybe haven’t gone so well. Do you have any regrets about this year.. if so journal around that, so you can get to a point where you can take the lesson from it and let it go! 

Some great questions to ask yourself are… 

*What has happened in order to feel like that?

*If you could take this year again, looking back- what things would you do differently…?

Reflect on your journey so far

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